All posts by: faithTalk

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He Is With Me

By Lover of Words It all began as I was growing up. I lived in a 5 bedroom brick house in Atlanta, Georgia. My parents were just middle class working people but they had nice things. However, the economy took a turn for the worst and prices for things, like houses and cars, have sky … Continue reading

April 11, 2010 FT Blog

Former Professional Criminal

By Rami Kivisalo I am Rami Kivisalo, a former professional criminal, gangster, drug dealer, weapon dealer and everything you could ever imagine. To put it bluntly, I was a very sinful person, full of all kinds of evil. I would like to share my testimony with you, how my life changed years ago, through God’s … Continue reading

March 11, 2010 Testimony

A Man Moved By God

By Randy Thomas My Testimony Fifteen years ago I was a very different man from who I am now. All of my relational, political, and social needs were defined by a worldview that fed my appetites and met my needs, albeit just temporarily. My world was centered around the idea that the unholy trinity of … Continue reading

February 11, 2010 Testimony