
Word of Encouragement – Satisfaction


1Thessalonians. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

The above verse actually has another meaning that is lost in translation. The root word for give thanks is the compound meaning ‘well favored’. In other words before you can be thankful, it is the will of God that in everything you are well favored.

Losing hope in the world that supports no one’s needs but it’s own you can find something to be thankful for. God is saying to you today, that if you let go of what the world will provide, you will be well favored by God.

I can remember when I faced $50,000 in hospital bills and no job. In that situation I was well favored. God gave me $5 dollars. I about laughed at the comparison of income to debt ratio. He said with a Holy hush “This is seed Son!”

Soon I learned that if what you have in your hand is not enough to be a harvest, plant it! I gave that $5 dollars away. In time the Lord began giving me $20 Bills. I would in turn give them to who ever needed help. Soon He would give me $50, then $100. This was all seed being planted.

In one years time, I was tipped off to program that pays hospital bills. In a single instance, $50,000 of debt was wiped out. I was debt free!

Let God ‘favor you well’ don’t laugh if the gift is small in comparison to your need. Seed always multiplies thousands more after it’s kind.

Source: Wind In The Willows

June 26, 2013 Testimony , ,
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