
Miracles Happen Everyday

By Joanne DeHerrera


Miracles happen everyday. I have had many; huge, big, medium, small, and tiny miracles that have happened in my life and are still happening. A huge miracle would be when I was a missionary in the Jungles of Chiapas, Mexico and I got Typhoid. The two medial doctors that were there got Malaria and had to be flown out back to Texas. Everyone thought I was going to die, and to tell you the truth I did as well. The pastor’s wife was holding my head, the pastor prayed over me, and I looked up to the Lord and said, “If you are going to take me Lord do it now I am ready.” I woke up to my surprise and I was 100% healed. The pastor and everyone were praising God all day, and they had a big dinner to celebrate the Lords mighty hand of healing. I was healed with no medication; just the medication of praying to God.

Everything in life is a miracle. People sometimes do not see the medium, small, or tiny ones because they have blinders on. Look at it this way; every time my friend was on her way to Church her car kept breaking down right on the freeway right near the same exit. She called me and was screaming how Satan was attacking her to try to stop her from going to Church. I told her that she gave Satan too much credit, and perhaps it was the Lord trying to stop her from getting into a car accident, or it was something else, but either way He was trying to get her attention.

Another Sunday went by, and the same thing has happened to her, but this time she got out of her car lifted her hands to Jesus; while everyone was passing her by on the interstate, and screamed to God why this was happening to her. The Holy Spirit shot through her like a ton of bricks and told her to walk straight into the bushes, and she did. She walked about 35 feet or so and there was a tiny home. She was very nervous, but kept walking and a lady was hanging her clothes in the back yard. The women asked her, “Did the Lord send you here to help me?” The women needed milk badly for her children. My friend went to the store and bought her $200.00 worth of food. My friend’s car never broke down again on the way to Church.

Everything in life is a miracle from God; whether you can see it or not. Faith is the greatest gift and miracle one could every have, so it is by saying this; pray for the gift of faith, because it is a gift, and then you will be able to see everything clearly. The Lord might even heal you.

Listen, James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Prayer is a powerful miracle. God blesses us when we pray for one another, not only so that person we are praying for is healed, but also ourselves and those we love. I believe God is going to move and break down walls and bearers in this ministry, because it is in His perfect will.

Let us pray, pray, pray for each other that everyone who has joined Faith Talk Community can receive a miracle today.

Website: Biblical Studies and More

June 30, 2011 Testimony , , ,
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