
Strange Place


I’ve been in a really strange place here lately, and in this place I am feeling stretched like never before. I cannot really explain how I feel except it must be preparation for a new level or dimension in Christ.

Prior to entering this strange place, I experienced an overwhelming sense of expectancy as if God was getting ready to do something grand in my life. I cannot really say what I was expecting, but I can say that is has not manifested itself in my life just yet. Which leads me to believe that this “strange place” I’m in is preparing me to receive what God has for me.

I think about a woman who is expecting a baby and all of the natural things her body goes through after she discovers that she is expecting. She experiences morning sickness, and her body begins to change and stretch as the baby grows inside of her. As she is experiencing physical changes on the outside, the baby is experiencing physical changes on the inside. In most cases, at the full term of the pregnancy the baby is born.

Well, there it is… I’m ministering to myself right now. “Full term” is really the goal of this “strange place”… because I’m being stretched and pulled in my faith so that I can make it to full term to see the birth of the spiritual baby God is birthing right now.

I often used to wonder, “How do we know when something is opposition and when something is God ordained for us to go through?” Well, I know that this “strange place” in my life is God ordained because even in the stretching, pulling, and uneasiness, I feel His presence with me. There is a calming peace within me, the Peace of God, that let’s me know that all is well and this too shall pass.

We often expect to receive our spiritual babies and promises at the moment of conception, but we must know that the longer the gestation period, the bigger and healthier the baby/promise will be. And in the case of human babies, the bigger and healthier the are, the more chance they’ll have to survive and live a full life.

Honestly, I have no idea what God is about to do in my life. I have no idea what His plan is at this point. But I can say this, “I trust Him now more than ever.” I have to because at the point when you don’t know, all you can do is trust God.

I’m reminded of Proverbs 3:5 that says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding.” So that’s what I’m doing in this strange place… leaning on God and God alone. Even though it feels strange, even though this is an unfamiliar place, even though I don’t feel good or even feel as connected as I should be right now. I know that I am!

You see, trusting God is not about feelings. You’ll never be able to feel your way to heaven. However, it is all about trust [confidence, full & total reliance in]. Can you trust God when everything is or seems out of whack? Can you trust God with no money or a lot of money? Can you trust God when you can’t seem to fight your way out? Can you trust God in the midst of the fire, the storm or even the lion’s den? Can you trust God when you know you are healed but still feel sick in your body?

It is only when we fully trust Him that we can overcome our “strange places” in life and be able to fully receive this blessings and promises His has for our lives. So, can you trust Him even in your strange place?

By: Deaquelynn Williams

June 12, 2011 FT Blog , , , ,
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