

By Dr. Walter Sims


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman!!

Holy ghosts and goblins, Batman.

Robin, to the Batcave.

You would not like me when I’m angry, chides the Hulk.

All of these phrases come from our memories of watching our favorite Superhero on television. My favorite superhero is Spiderman. My sons are enthralled with Wolverine of the X-men.

These individuals were either born “super” or were infused with radiation. For whatever reason, we are infatuated with “super” beings, beings that can conquer any situation with extraordinary powers and the will to not be defeated so that good can prevail.

I am reading a book right now called Extraordinary Living – Dr. John Bevere. In this book, he makes this point that we are in love with the super heroes. While his point is not to explore that reason but to get us to see (as believers), we have the opportunity and possibility to live extraordinary lives for the Lord to fulfill our calling.

I am so amazed at how many of us are settling for “average” living. We are surrounded by people who are so content on just being average. Well, I refuse to any longer live below my potential. Do you not realize who and Whose we are? We are children of the Most High God. We have been wonderfully and fearfully made. God breathed into our nostrils and we became a living soul. See, so many of us are settling for Humans that are being instead of Humans that are living.

Well, Minister of Motivation how do I began to live extraordinarily. While I have not finished the book, but I have been sopping up so much stuff lately that I can probably muster 3 or 4 starting points:

1. Realize you were created for a purpose. Please do not adopt a METHESULAH mentality (I will explore this more later probably in a sermon or another blog). The Bible says he lived and he died. That is all it says about this man. Are you just existing? Do you just get up…go through your day…and go to bed. Then start it all over the next day. This is so boring…(she knows who I am talking about who said that..hehehe). You have a purpose find it (if you need help, that’s what my services are for..heheheheh).

2. Do purposeful things. Now, that you know and realize you have a purpose, do things that build on that purpose. If you know that you are a teacher, teach; if you are a speaker, speak; if you are a singer, sing; if you are a motivator, motivate. Do things that feed your purpose. This is how you stay sharp and stay on course.

3. Surround yourself with like minded people. Do you know the proverbial saying, Birds of a feather flock together. It should be true for you and me. Surround yourself with people that are going in the same direction as you are. Iron sharpens iron. Like minded people talk the same talk and have a tendency to keep each other focused and pointed in the right direction.

4. Have a spirit of gratitude. If you are around me any length of time, you know I am big on this one. I truly believe if you are grateful for what you have in your life, it will propel you to live the most extraordinary life imaginable. You know why? I believe truly grateful people live extraordinary lives because they don’t take things for granted and live each moment as if it were their last. Are you thankful for what you have?

Have you started living an EXTRAORDINARY life yet? There is no time like right now…your extraordinary life is waiting on you!!

you have been Motivated.

Blog: Minister of Motivation

May 2, 2012 FT Blog , ,
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